What is minimalism? That term is being used more and more in today’s world. Minimalism is simply living with fewer material possessions, and making a point to live for experiences and not the intangible objects we possess. Being that my family lives in a tiny home (540 square feet!), this is an idea that we have had to embrace over the last year. This month I am going to be completing the 30 – day minimalism challenge to try to de-clutter and love the stuff that we interact with daily.

Kevin and I get tired of spending hours upon hours of cleaning the same things all of the time. Sure, some things simply can’t be avoided such as dishes, and vacuuming, but who really needs 4 planners, 6572980 pens (half of which are probably dried up), or 3 boxes of Crayola markers laying around? And what about the books and magazines? After they are read the first time, how often do they get re-read? Exactly, my point.

So, to keep me accountable I am going to post some progress photos throughout these 30 days to help keep me accountable and to show you guys that this can really work.

Here is the challenge: