August’s Arrival

Hello friends,

July was a bit of a sabbatical for our family in terms of responsibilities. Sierra was with her mother for a few weeks, and with that I got a bit of a break from meal planning, and trying to find fun, kid-friendly activities to keep her occupied. Back to meal planning this weekend!

August has only been here for 2 days and already I have gotten school supply shopping done, school clothes shopping done (lots of it), and started getting Sierra ready and fitted for her 1st dance class, but it still seems like there is so much to do before school starts back up again!

I have been trying to keep with the minimalist and green lifestyle journey I started back several weeks ago. I must confess that there have been some ups and some downs. I was able to purge many items from my wardrobe and donate them to charity, and get my emails in order (I went through over 15,000 emails) ;however that is the majority of what I have been able to accomplish thus far. I won’t give up though. I will pick up right where I left off and persevere. I have turned about 70% of our pantry into cleaner eating, and replaced the not so good stuff with more organic and less fatty items, and have been working on making our tiny home more functional for the upcoming school year when there will be 2 students in the home. 😊