Life Lately

Life has thrown so many curveballs lately that I have had to put blogging on the backburner, but I am back now, and more determined than ever to keep this online journal (in a sense), more consistent and get it back up on its feet!

So life lately…

For those of you who don’t know me personally, I am in my final year of college, yay senior year! I am in business school at UNT and studying marketing. I have been very busy with that, to say the least. My college experience has been unconventional, in that it has taken me a bit longer, and I have been helping in raising Sierra, which is a daily rollercoaster as you other parents know! I’ve got summer school coming up to get a jump start on finishing these last handful of classes before graduation in the spring.

Sierra and I at her dance recital, proud mom moment!

Sierra has a few days left of 3rd grade, and I couldn’t be more proud of all her accomplishments this year. Her most significant achievement academically was to take school seriously and to put more effort into learning the material and asking questions. She is such a social butterfly and strong-willed at the same time, so this took many conversations to engrain and reinforce, but she is becoming such a smart, kind, and thoughtful young lady! She can’t wait for summer! Two days left! Whohoo!

Sierra and her teacher Mrs. Hazelwood, Sierra sure loves her class!

We have all been trying to figure out our summer plans and bucket lists as a family, and that has been lengthy and astronomical (and that’s an understatement), I’ll post our Summer 2019 bucket lists next if any of you readers are interested or need some ideas for your family. Last week we got season passes to a nearby waterpark, so I imagine much of Sierra and I’s summer will consist of racing each other on the “Ketsup and Mustard” slide where you grab a mat and hold on while you race head first down the slide or the wave pool that reminds her of the ocean.

Miss sassy pants at the waterpark.
Sweet daddy daughter moment before the racing competition started!
We had so much fun together that day!

Sierra will be starting tumbling again soon, and she is ecstatic about that since she’s basically a little monkey herself! We have also started a mommy and me journal recently as well. Look for lots of new and fun activities that I will be posting if you’re interested in finding a new family outing, or activity/routine with your daughter or child!

Taking Sierra to see Aladdin, it was such a good remake! Even Kevin said he would like to see it again!
