3 Best Young Living Products

If you have been following me during the last three months then you know of my love for essential oils. I am a former skeptic turned believer. I must admit, I was hesitant to even look into Young Living as a brand from the mixed reviews I had heard online. Once I found out more about the types of chemical that are used and “allowed” to go into the items and foods we consume everyday I was convinced that I needed to initiate some research of my own. Once I found out that I don’t HAVE to “sell” a single oil to another person to receive the benefits of a Young Living membership I was sold (24% off of all Young Living products; wholesale pricing). I signed up that day. My top 3 favorite products are a versatile bunch, check it out below!

1.) Thieves Household Cleaner ($23.50)

The Thieves household cleaner is listed as my number one for a few different reasons. This all-purpose cleaner can be used on any surface in your home for dusting, spot cleaning, scrubbing, or any other cleaning need. I have personally used it on my leather seats in my car, kitchen counters, glass, you name it its been used there! Wherever you use it, you’ll feel good knowing it’s safe to use around everyone in your family, including pets. Our dog thrives on licking every surface top in the house so this cleaner gives me such a peace of mind that it is animal and kid friendly…plus the amazing thieves scent is so great too!

2.) Bath and Shower Gels ($19.75-$30)

I was pretty skeptical to spending this much money on a body wash I will be the first to admit, but the moment I first used the Lavender shower gel I was instantly sold. You can smell the light lavender oils the moment you open the bottle, and it is so relaxing especially at the end of a long day and actually gets you clean too! I recently got the morning start scent and can’t wait to use it as well, it smells amazing! I was very surprised to find too that one bottle goes a long ways. I shower nearly every day and have had the lavender bottle for over a month (the only bottle I have used so far for that month; the morning start scent I just got in this week).

3.) Lavender Essential Oil ($25.25)

This is one of those versatile oils that I love as a staple. I ditched the dryer sheets for wool dryer balls about 2 months ago once I did some independent research into the toxic chemicals used in them and love to use a few drops of this oil on the wool balls before I start the dryer. This oil is good to use in a diffuser as well for relaxation as many people commonly know, and it is one of the less expensive oils. I also created my own DIY lavender spray in lieu of Febreeze that I use a few drops of lavender in (it makes curtains, sheets/fabrics, and clothed furniture smell amazing). I keep this oil on my reorder list because it gets used so often.

If there are any DIY concoctions I should try let me know in the comments or on Instagram @simplyemilyveschi I’d love to have a conversation with you about clean living! or if you were on the fence and ready to take the plunge use member ID: #26397104

